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How Medical Marijuana Helps HIV and AIDS Patients

| Canna Doctors |

From the arrival of the HIV and AIDS epidemic decades ago, patients have used marijuana products to treat their symptoms. Despite this, the topic of medical marijuana and HIV/AIDS is vastly under-discussed in modern cannabis culture. This is very unfortunate because of how much relief it provides these patients. In today’s article we will discuss what these conditions are, their symptoms, and how medical marijuana can help treat them.

Overview Of HIV and AIDS

To begin with, it’s crucial to understand that these are indeed two different health conditions. While they are connected, they are different. AIDS is the late-stage form of HIV. Here’s a further breakdown of these two health conditions and the most common symptoms.

HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Top experts have determined the origin of HIV to be a variation of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) found in certain types of African chimpanzees. This virus was believed to have been passed on to humans in the late 19th century after they hunted the animal and ate its infected meat. The virus spread across the African content over many decades, until it eventually made its way to the United States in the late 1970s.

This virus breaks down the human immune system, specifically T-cells (aka CD4 cells). These aid in the human body’s ability to fight off infection, so your T-cells are quite crucial. HIV can be managed with medications, however there is no cure for it. If the virus goes untreated, it can eventually lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
Symptoms of HIV can vary quite a bit, typically including rashes, fatigue, soreness, chills, night sweats, muscle aches, fever, and mouth ulcers. Sometimes symptoms remain dormant for decades, it all varies on the individual.

AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

As mentioned above, AIDS is the final stage of the HIV virus. Although not everyone who has HIV will end up with AIDS. This condition only occurs if HIV has hurt the immune system beyond repair. The exact specifics of this damage are when the total number of T-cells fall under 200 cells per cubic mm of blood. At this stage, HIV becomes AIDS in the impacted patient. AIDS symptoms vary a lot, but often include the following:

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Prolonged swelling of lymph nodes
  • Sores throughout the body
  • Neurological disorders
  • Memory loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Night sweats / fever
  • Depression

Medical Treatments for HIV/AIDS Patients

If you have symptoms for HIV or AIDS, the only way to for sure know you have one is to get tested. The longer these qualifying conditions go untreated, the more damaging and potentially fatal they become. Modern medicine allows those diagnosed with HIV to live long and healthy lives and, if the virus is caught and treated early, avoid it later becoming AIDS. HIV patients are often prescribed one or more traditional medicine treatment options for this.

Medical Marijuana for HIV and AIDS Patients In Tampa

HIV wasting syndrome is one of the biggest contributors for the increased recommendation of medical cannabis for HIV and AIDS. Back in the 80s, when many HIV/AIDS patients were experiencing dramatic weight loss, doctors turned to medical marijuana to help stimulate appetites. Because of there not being many medical marijuana options back then, physicians prescribed Marinol, a synthetic form of THC. While it was effective in relieving some symptoms, many still strongly advocated traditional marijuana for its instant effects.

Quick and instant relief is a must for HIV/AIDs patients, as they endure extreme pain from their treatments. This is why experts highly recommend medical marijuana for HIV and AIDS patients in Tampa, FL. When treatment pain is combined with the other side effects of the virus itself, patients need instant and powerful relief. That’s where medical marijuana comes in to really help patients with their symptoms. Medical marijuana can help patients throughout the Sunshine State get the compassionate care they need for HIV and AIDS.

Get Your Medical Card To Help With HIV and AIDS Symptoms

Sadly, clinical trials and research for cannabis and HIV/AIDS have been limited due to cannabis remaining federally illegal. However, the small amount of research that has been performed shows very promising results for treating HIV and AIDS with medical marijuana. If you turn out to test positive for HIV, compassionate care is here to help you get through this. Book your appointment today at Canna Doctors of America to get your medical card. With HIV and AIDs being qualifying conditions, your card approval will be fast and easy. Use our appointment booking tool on our site, or call us at 855-949-2266.

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