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What To Do If You Get Too High From Medical Marijuana

| Canna Doctors |
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Did you get too high off your medical marijuana? We have all been there – it’s totally understandable and a natural part of learning your dosage limits. Perhaps you took too many edibles, and started to get anxious? Or maybe you took too many hits of a vape, that’s easy because of how you can take some draws large and some far too big if you’re not paying attention while holding the button down on your device.

Luckily, it is pretty much impossible to overdose on marijuana, but it is not impossible to have taken too much to handle the high. This blog entry will provide some helpful tricks and tips to help you chill out when too high.

Calm Yourself Down By Taking Some Deep Breaths

The first thing to do in the situation if you get too high, try not to freak yourself out. If you focus on how super high you feel, you may find yourself having a panic attack. Take some deep breaths, calm down, and remind yourself that the high will disappear in some short period of time. All forms of medical marijuana wear off in minutes or at the very most a few hours. There’s nothing to panic about, as long as you’re consuming medical cannabis from a Florida dispensary it can’t hurt you.

Stay Well Hydrated and Feed Those Munchies

Cottonmouth is never fun, but it’s even less fun when you have it while uncomfortably high. Sipping some smooth H20 or your favorite hydrating drink has a double use here. Not only does it help with dry mouth, it also gives you something else to focus on. While we recommend pure filtered water, feel free to drink the beverage of your choice, although we suggest staying away from caffeine when you’re too stoned.

It can also be quite helpful to eat some food in this situation. Stay far away from fatty foods, because fat acts as a conduit for medical marijuana and can actually enhance the effects of marijuana. If you’ve smoked or vaped too much medical cannabis, eating fatty food might worsen the situation of being too stoned. If you want to try to lessen the high with a snack or treat, research shows that sugar helps to curb the psychoactive effects of THC.

Wash Away Your High With a Long Relaxing Shower

For real, who doesn’t love a good shower after dosing with medical marijuana? Not only do they feel amazing, but if you’re too high they can also help bring you down to equilibrium. Experts in the cannabis field are unsure why exactly a shower takes a high down, but regardless, many people leverage this trick with consistent results. Wash, rinse, and mellow out with some bubbles.

Take Some Medical Cannabis CBD Products

CBD has an amazing potential to relieve anxiety, whether or not it is from getting too high in the first place. Many experts in the medical marijuana industry have found that CBD is also capable of curbing some of the more unenjoyable side effects of THC, kind of counteracting the substance if you’ve had too much. If you’re experiencing an unenjoyable high, take a dose of CBD to get you back on track. The calming effects of this cannabinoid will work to get you back to feeling safe and sound.

In conclusion, the above-mentioned tactics can really help you feel better if you get too stoned from medical pot. If you’ve gotten uncomfortably high, definitely start with taking some deep breaths to prevent going into panic mode – it’s all good! Keep yourself hydrated and grab a snack. A nice next step is to take a long relaxing shower. Then last dose yourself with some medical marijuana CBD tincture, vapes, or edibles.

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