Let’s face it, everyone has experienced stress to some degree. The textbook definition of stress is a state of mental tension caused by a difficult circumstanc…
Stay Informed About Medical Marijuana With Our Blog
With recent advances in medical marijuana research, more and more qualifying conditions are being approved for the program. One eye condition approved for Flor…
Even though medical cannabis has endless wellness benefits, it does in fact have some known side effects. Last month we expanded on some of these less-than-des…
Marijuana’s portrayal in pop culture has projected stereotypes of cannabis users as being lazy, unmotivated individuals. Often shown as “the guy on the couch”…
Chronic pain is a very tough condition many Flordians live with. Unfortunately, many traditional doctors will prescribe extremely strong pharmaceutical painkil…
As of late there has been a lot of attention on how medical cannabis can be used in the athletic community. With the factual information out there on the welln…
Canna Doctors of America is proud to feature Dr. Nikko Super M.D., a certified medical marijuana doctor in Clearwater, FL. Dr. Super is a medical card evaluati…
Despite medical marijuana’s wide range of medical benefits, there can be some less-than-desirable side effects in certain individuals. As with all medicines, i…
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