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What Are The Best Ways To Consume Medical Marijuana?

| Canna Doctors |
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At this point the medical marijuana industry has developed an incredible amount of variety in its products. Medical cannabis comes in many forms, all varying quite a bit from dispensary to dispensary, so it can be somewhat overwhelming to decide how to consume it.

In today’s Canna Doctors article we will discuss what options there are, the best ways to consume marijuana, and what to ask your doctor if you don’t have all product types available in your medical recommendations. As always, regardless of our blog’s provided information, Canna Doctors of America strongly urges you to consult with your doctor prior to trying any new medical cannabis delivery routes. Ask your Tampa area medical marijuana doctor what would be best for your individual needs, they will know best based on your condition and the background.

Marijuana’s Most Popular Form Of Consumption: Smokeable Flower

Many medical card holders gravitate to the smokeable flower marijuana products because of the category’s deep rooted social and cultural history in pop culture. Almost everyone has seen someone smoke marijuana on TV or in a movie, so it’s the most identifiable form of medical cannabis consumption.

Most people only associate cannabis with the smoking form, but there’s a whole lot more to the magical green potion than joints, bowls, and bongs. It’s important to note that despite this popular media association, smoking marijuana may not be the best consumption route for your individual health needs. Depending on your qualifying condition(s) it may make the most sense to go with another consumption route.

Additional Forms Of Medical Marijuana Consumption

At Canna Doctors of America, we value treating patients for their individual needs. As mentioned above, the smoking delivery route is not for everyone depending on their qualifying conditions and current health state. There are however a wide variety of other medical marijuana consumption routes. Search through the variety of medical marijuana consumption methods at your disposal to see what works best for you. Some excellent medical cannabis products to try for alternatives to smoking include:

  • Distillate vaporizers
  • Standard cannabis oil vaporizers
  • Edibles
  • Tinctures
  • Capsules
  • Marijuana concentrates
  • Topical medication
  • THC Suppositories

Consult With Your Medical Marijuana Doctor On Delivery Routes

Depending on what qualifying condition you have, it’s always recommended to consult with a licensed medical marijuana doctor before trying to adjust consumption methods, unless they already recommended additional in your consultation. Canna Doctors of America is here to help you get the most out of your medical marijuana treatment, so we always try to explore every recommendation that meets your individual needs.

If you don’t have all the recommendations you need for marijuana categories you want to explore, contact your doctor to get more medical marijuana categories added. We are here to help you explore every medical cannabis option for your alternative treatments. If you are unsure, give us a call at 855-949-2266 to discuss all the cannabis consumption methods available.

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